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NTT Communications Survey Revealed Client Considerations

When Selecting Data Center Service Provider
´º½ºÀÏÀÚ: 2015-05-29

HONG KONG--(Business Wire) May 29, 2015 -- NTT Communications (http://goo.gl/tM6FjT) Corporation (NTT Com), the ICT solutions and international communications business within the NTT (NYSE:NTT) Group, revealed today the top five criteria companies consider when selecting data center service provider.

A survey of over 100 IT decision makers in Hong Kong disclosed that a combination of criteria drove companies to choose one provider over another - with price, company reputation and service level agreement taking the top three positions. The survey also sought to find out the key factors that help define customer satisfactions.

Key Findings:

· Service Price was the prime consideration in choosing data center hosting services, with value-for-money as a key issue;

· Increasing emphasis on the provider’s Company Background & Reputation - selected by 72% of respondents as key criterion, up by 20% since 2012, making it the second most important factor this year;

· Service Level Commitment remained a very significant criterion, rated as important by over 70% of respondents; and

· Facility Technical Specifications increased in importance from 56% to a close fourth at 68% in latest survey. Site Location also consistently ranked among the top five factors.

The survey also found over 80% of customers very satisfied with NTT Communications data center services in Hong Kong, and considered it has outperformed other competitors.

“Companies nowadays want more than a ‘service’, but rather a holistic data center ‘experience’ based on tailored customer requirements. Providers need to cultivate a strong relationship with clients right from the beginning - from initial project planning, to implementation, to control monitoring, to round-the-clock support, and to always-on operations” said Taylor Man, Executive Vice President, Cloud Business Division of NTT Com Asia Limited.

“This survey has given us an unprecedented level of insights into how to further enhance our offerings so that we can keep our edge in this highly competitive market. Our goal is to always exceed customer expectations in every category and this annual survey was an essential platform to ensure that we always meet this goal”, he added.

NTT Communications Nexcenter™ (http://goo.gl/iS6urz) has more than 130 data centers worldwide, providing seamless global ICT platform, with colocation, hosting, network and security services, as well as high-quality customer service and industry-leading facilities.

The full whitepaper “Uncovering the Critical Factors for Selecting and Evaluating Data Center Service Providers (http://goo.gl/0qOywI)” can be downloaded at www.nttcominsight.com/select-data-center-service-provider.

For more information about NTT Communications data centers, please visit www.hk.ntt.com/en/services/data-center.html.

About NTT Communications

NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security and cloud services to optimise the information and communications technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are backed by the company’s worldwide infrastructure, including leading global tier-1 IP network, Arcstar Universal One™ VPN network reaching 196 countries/regions, and 130 secure data centers worldwide.

NTT Communications’ solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.
www.ntt.com | Twitter@NTT Communications (http://goo.gl/Hg1Am6) | Facebook@NTT Communications (http://goo.gl/bico05) | LinkedIn@NTT (http://goo.gl/mBfLGk)

About NTT Com Asia

NTT Com Asia is NTT Communications’ East Asia headquarters covering Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Korea. The company provides enterprise-class network, data centre, cloud, hosting, e-Commerce solutions, and managed services, and operates its’ wholly owned subsidiary HKNet in Hong Kong.

Please visit www.ntt.com.hk | www.hknet.com | www.facebook.com/nttca | http://www.linkedin.com/company/ntt-com-asia-limited for further information.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150528005521/en/


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