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¡°CONTENT TOKYO¡± Opening Next Month

´º½ºÀÏÀÚ: 2015-06-05

TOKYO--(Business Wire) June 5, 2015 -- Reed Exhibitions Japan will be holding Japan’s largest B-to-B platform for the content industry "CONTENT TOKYO” at Tokyo Big Sight, Japan next month from July 1-3.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150604005470/en/

6 powerful exhibitions for content business

Expanding 1.5 folds further from last year’s edition, at this comprehensive 3-day event, 1,330 exhibitors and 57,000 professional visitors will gather from across Japan and the world. The latest, most creative and innovative products and technologies will be showcased across 6 powerful exhibitions - LICENSING JAPAN, Production Companies Expo, Content Solutions Expo, Content Marketing Expo, Advanced Content Technology Expo and Creators' Expo. From individual content creators, production companies, licensing, the tools, technologies and services to create, manage and distribute content, CONTENT TOKYO covers all fields of the business.

“Technology” to be highlighted

In order to keep pace with the continually evolving digital content business, CONTENT TOKYO has been molding its shape over the years to fit the industry’s needs by adding or changing concepts of the composing exhibitions. This year exhibits for technology will be enriched.

At the newly launched “Advanced Content Technology Expo” the latest technologies and solutions for interactive, entertainment experiences will be showcased by 70 firms. EPSON for instance will be exhibiting their latest smart glasses “MOVERIO”. German robot maker KUKA will showcase the next generation robot “LBR iiwa”. 360-degree panoramic viewer, communication app with the latest voice synthesis technology and digital signage are to be on show at SONY MUSIC COMMUNICATIONS’ booth. TOKYO DENKI UNIVERSITY will exhibit their immersive auditory display “Sound Cask”. Technologies and equipment required for creating digital art, 3D printers, 3D projection mapping tables, software for drones, latest virtual reality technologies will also be showcased.

The “CONTENT TOKYO Int’l Conference” held parallel to the exhibition will allow participants to catch the latest technology and industry trends for interactive and entertainment technology. The session will be led by Daito Manabe, Director of Rhizomatiks, Susumu Tachi, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University and Michitaka Hirose, Professor of the graduate school of Information Science and Technology of Tokyo University.

Meet unique Creators and Producers

CONTENT TOKYO will also serve as the largest annual B-to-B platform to enjoy discovering interesting content from Japan through various content creators and producers.

At “Creators’ Expo” a total of 700 creators from across the country of all genres namely video and animation creators, game, app creators, illustrators, computer graphic designers, sound creators, musicians, calligraphers, photographers etc. will be showcasing their proud work samples.

Various media content production companies will also be exhibiting at “Production Companies Expo”. Including major production firms such as SQUARE ENIX, TAIYO KIKAKU and DYNAMO PICTURES, 180 unique firms will be taking part. Participation of exhibitors from overseas is rising. From the UK, AUDIO NETWORK will be showcasing their high quality music. PT. ABADI BUSINESS SOLUTIONS from Indonesia and MOTION ELEMENTS, THAILAND FILM OFFICE, PLANNASIA from Thailand will also be exhibiting.

Exhibitors will also be appeal their original movie, animation, computer graphics, game, music content at a special showcase area. H.A.N.D will be running a short movie with a hint of spook, MAGICALGIRL will be showing an animation and MIRAI KIBOU DESIGN is to exhibit an action fantasy piece.

Expanding licensing business

LICENSING JAPAN held within CONTENT TOKYO is the largest hub in Japan for licensing business. Ranging from minor to major characters and brands from across Japan will be exhibited. All the major publication and television networks in Japan for instance TOHO, BANDAI VISUAL, SHUEISHA, KODANSHA, TV TOKYO, YOMIURI TV ENTERPRISE, SHOGAKUKAN, SHOGAKUKAN-SHUEISHA, KADOKAWA.

This year increasing number of firms are exhibiting at LICENSING EXPO for the first time including new-comers to licensing business. TOHO, FUJIYA, JAPAN AIRLINES, EAST JAPAN MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS (Japan Rail East train properties) are some of the first time exhibitors. Combined with a high rate of repetitive exhibits the overall scale of the show will be expanding by 1.5 folds. License holders from overseas is also rising: WHERE’S WALLEY?, FRISK, LAMBORGHINI, JEEP, THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL, LINE Characters, SASSSY, LAURA ASHLEY, HERSHEY, WORLD HERITAGE, CHUPA CHAPS, MADONNA, METALLICA, VINCENT VAN GOGH, CHRISTIAN R LASSEN etc. The Taiwan pavilion will be larger and Korea will be holding a national pavilion for the first time.

Trending Content Marketing

Another highlight of the show would be the other newly launched exhibition - “Content Marketing Expo”. 90 companies including NIPPON SP CENTER, IMJ CORPORATION, PLAN-B, DM SOLUTIONS, FULLSPEED, LOCUS, CCC MEDIA HOUSE, GMO CREATORS NETWORK, BEBIT, GROOOVER, USER LOCAL, AMANA, HATENA, STARTIALAB etc.

For the full show preview: http://www.content-tokyo.jp/en/doc/preshowreport/

Where content and business will “hatch”

Keisuke Amano, Show Director of CONTENT TOKYO envisions the show to be more than just a trade show to showcase products and technologies.

“We would like our show to be recognised as the place where new content will ‘hatch’. With the addition of the 2 new exhibitions the show now collectively gathers all the players of the content business in one place allowing professionals of various sectors and stages of content creation to meet, network and discuss partnerships. We hope to keep serving as a platform for new content to born into the world.”

Amano is also passionate about new forms of business to be created through the show. “Another vision for our show would be to provide a helping hand for new business schemes to be created. Taking ‘smart TVs’ as an example, the way in which content is created, managed and distributed is now changing drastically from conventional ways. Now it is getting unpredictable how and who will move the business. It would be wonderful to see brand-new forms of content business born through on-site discussions and idea sharing between various industry professionals.”

Participants can enjoy the show for free by applying for an invitation ticket online at http://www.content-tokyo.jp/en/inv/.

For further information, visit the official show website http://www.content-tokyo.jp/en/

News Source: Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.


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