DULUTH, GA.-- November 08, 2021 -- AGCO Corporation, Your Agriculture Company, (NYSE:AGCO), a worldwide manufacturer and distributor of agricultural machinery and precision ag technology, announces that two AGCO employees received 2021 STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Production) Ahead Awards from Women in Manufacturing, a division of the Manufacturing Institute. Christine Enge of Duluth, Ga., and Roseane Campos of Canoas, Brazil were each presented the 2021 Women in Manufacturing STEP Ahead Award.
This national honor recognizes female leaders in the manufacturing industry and further encourages women to mentor and support the next generation of female talent to pursue manufacturing careers.
“Christine Enge, a leader in our global HR organization, and Roseane Campos, a leader in our manufacturing team, are great examples of the many outstanding women who are advancing the future of AGCO and agriculture every day. These women truly go above and beyond to serve their fellow employees and the communities where they live and work,” said Ivory Harris, Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer at AGCO.
The STEP Ahead Awards, part of the larger STEP Ahead initiative, promote the role of women in the manufacturing industry through recognition, research, and leadership for attracting, advancing, and retaining strong female talent.
“Our 2021 STEP Ahead honorees are role models and ambassadors inspiring the next generation of women in manufacturing. They represent the passion, vision, and diversity of opportunity within an increasingly high-skill and rewarding field of work. And with America’s most iconic industry facing a workforce crisis driven by the skills gap, the examples they set have never been more important,” said Carolyn Lee, executive director of the Manufacturing Institute.