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MIR4 Opens a Spectacular Event to Celebrate the 100th Day of Its Global Launch

´º½ºÀÏÀÚ: 2021-12-02

SEOUL-- December 02, 2021 -- Wemade’s masterpiece mobile MMORPG ‘MIR4’ opened a spectacular event starting on November 30th, to celebrate the 100th day of its global release.

A commemorative attendance event for MIR4’s 100 days of Global Launch service is held for two weeks and special rewards are given including Divine Dragon’s Blessing, Enhancement Stones, Summoning Tickets, and a special box containing various materials. The Divine Dragon’s Blessing gives players the opportunity to re-challenge item combining. Divine Dragon’s Blessing allows players to combine various dragon materials, Spirit Stones, and Skill Tomes. Players can choose one item box that they wish to re-challenge, based on the item combining grade they have tried (and failed) so far. Additionally, while hunting monsters on the Mir continent, players can obtain Dragon Fruits, which can, in turn, be exchanged for Mystic Summon Box, Rare and Epic Blue Dragon Statues, Magic Square tickets, and Secret Peak tickets.

In addition, Wayfarer Travel tickets are updated that allows for transfers to a different server. Players can transfer servers if they are at level 40 or higher. One Wayfarer Travel ticket is required to transfer servers; two tickets are needed to change worlds, and three tickets to change the region.

New Spirits was also updated on Nov 30 including Bloodtip Drago, a legendary-grade fire element Spirit, and Leocrat Khun, an epic-grade earth element Spirit. To commemorate the release of new spirits, a Spirit Special Summon is available for two weeks - until the December 14th update. Players who acquire an epic-grade Spirit in the Spirit Special Summon will have a 100 percent chance of obtaining the new Spirit, Leocrat Khun.


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