2025년 03월 10일 월요일
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Schlumberger and Aramco to Collaborate on Digital Sustainability Solutions for Hard-to-Abate Carbon Industries

뉴스일자: 2022-09-21

LUCERNE, SWITZERLAND-- September 21, 2022 -- Schlumberger and Aramco have announced plans to collaborate and develop a digital platform that will provide sustainability solutions for hard-to-abate industrial sectors.

The proposed platform will enable companies in industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, utilities, cement and steel to collect, measure, report and verify their emissions, while also evaluating different decarbonization pathways.

“Aramco and Schlumberger are hoping to draw on our long history of collaboration and partnership to deliver a digital sustainability ecosystem that enables global organizations to manage their carbon emissions and realize ambitious sustainability goals,” said Olivier Le Peuch, chief executive officer, Schlumberger. “The sustainability platform will be a game changer for the energy and hard-to-abate industry sectors as they look toward a lower-carbon future.”

“This collaboration represents an unprecedented opportunity for both companies to leverage digitalization to tackle one of the most critical challenges of our generation. At the same time, it would expand digital capabilities within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and harness Schlumberger’s global reach to potentially deliver a worldwide impact,” said Ahmad A. Al-Sa’adi, senior vice president of Technical Services at Aramco.

Customers will be able to measure and report baselines, targets, emissions, offsets and credits, which will help them manage their carbon footprints more effectively by increasing the availability and visibility of relevant data in a transparent and flexible solution.

Building on an open architecture, the platform will be extendable into other aspects of the industries’ sustainability efforts, both current and future, and will ultimately include workflows such as water sustainability and management, methane emissions measurement, flaring reduction and prevention, and carbon capture and storage.


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인터넷뉴스서비스사업등록 : 서울 자00447, 등록일자 : 2013.12.23., 뉴스배열 및 청소년보호의 책임 : 대표 CEO

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