SEATTLE -- Parse Biosciences, a leading provider of accessible and scalable single cell sequencing solutions, today announced it has acquired data analysis software company Biomage. With the acquisition, customers will have access to a richer suite of single cell data analysis tools through an intuitive interface. By pairing Biomage’s powerful data analysis tools with Parse’s Evercode combinatorial barcoding technology, researchers gain deeper insights with a dramatically reduced analysis time.
Biomage hosts and supports the largest community instance of Cellenics®, a cloud-based single cell RNA sequencing data analysis platform. Through an intuitive user interface, the Cellenics platform brings powerful analysis tools to researchers without the need for bioinformatics expertise. Since launching the platform in 2021, Biomage has reduced average analysis times from six months to two weeks. The platform enjoys a user base of nearly 4,000 researchers globally, with approximately 200 scientists accessing the platform daily.
“The platform has quickly become a trusted resource for single cell researchers around the world,” said Parse Biosciences co-founder and CTO Charles Roco. “Integrating the software into Parse’s portfolio of offerings will give our customers access to rich, dynamic exploration of single cell data in a shorter amount of time than anything currently available.”
“The combination of Parse’s scalability - which allows for exponentially more experiments than other single cell technologies - and Biomage’s technology to speed analysis is an unbeatable combination that is going to have wide-ranging, positive implications for the single cell community,” noted Biomage co-founder and CEO Adam Kurkiewicz.
All current Biomage staff members are being integrated into the existing Parse team.