MARLBOROUGH, MASS. -- ExaGrid, the industry’s only Tiered Backup Storage solution with Retention Time-Lock that includes a non-network-facing tier (creating a tiered air gap), delayed deletes and immutability for ransomware recovery, today announced the release of ExaGrid software version 7.0.0, which started shipping in August 2024.
With each software update, ExaGrid has been adding additional layers of security to its Tiered Backup Storage, which already utilizes a non-network-facing repository (tiered air gap) with delayed deletes and immutable data objects where backup data is stored for longer-term retention that cannot be accessed by threat actors and cannot be modified by malicious attacks.
With ExaGrid software version 7.0.0, ExaGrid supports Veeam writing to ExaGrid Tiered Backup Storage as an object store target using the S3 protocol, as well as supporting Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 directly to ExaGrid.
ExaGrid locks the data for the time period provided by Veeam:
· S3 Locks data in ExaGrid’s Landing Zone
· S3 Locks data in ExaGrid’s Repository Tier
· ExaGrid Retention Time-Lock with immutable objects and delayed deletes
- Double locks data in the Repository Tier
ExaGrid has achieved “Veeam Ready-Object” status with Immutability and SOSAPI, verifying that Veeam can write to ExaGrid Tiered Backup Storage as an S3 object store target, as well as the capability to support Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 using S3 directly to ExaGrid.
“ExaGrid continues to update our Tiered Backup Storage solution, as we know that data is not truly protected by backups if the backup solution itself is vulnerable to threat actors. In addition to the S3 Object Locking for Veeam in Version 7.0.0, ExaGrid also provides Retention Time-Lock with a non-network-facing tier (tiered air gap), delayed delete policy, and immutable data objects—it is double security,” said Bill Andrews, President and CEO of ExaGrid.