SEATTLE -- Parse Biosciences, a leading provider of accessible and scalable single cell sequencing solutions, announced that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued Final Written Decisions invalidating all claims in 10x Genomics’ 10,697,013 and 10,240,197 patents. Coupled with the invalidation of 10x Genomics’ 10,155,981 patent last year, Parse has now invalidated all claims that 10x Genomics asserts against Parse products, further reinforcing Parse’s ability to drive ongoing innovation in the single cell space.
In defense of their patents, 10x Genomics presented a series of meritless arguments, which included disputing the publication date of a peer reviewed article. The PTAB stated Parse’s evidence provided “the figurative nail in the coffin” to reject 10x Genomics’ arguments. The Final Written Decisions further noted that the patent specifications were not even focused on single cell analysis, but rather described an unrelated method.
“We are pleased with the decision published by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, further validating Parse’s unique position within the single cell genomics space,” states Alex Rosenberg, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of Parse Biosciences. “Parse offers a fundamentally differentiated solution that makes single cell sequencing more scalable without the need for expensive microfluidics. The recent decisions reward innovation and promote accessibility to cutting edge new tools. This is a win for the research community.”