BIOINI, BIOINILAB -- Alfrom & Affiliates, a company group in the bio industry, has decided on the Chinese transliteration for its brand 'Bioini (Bio Initiative)' as 'ù±药研 (Bì yào yán).'
'ù±药 (Bì yào)' means 'necessary medicine,' and '研 (yán)' means 'research.' Therefore, 'ù±药研 (Bì yào yán)' carries the meaning 'research necessary medicine.'
Additionally, the Chinese transliteration for Bioini's affiliated research institute 'BioiniLab' is 'ù±药æÚê (Bì yào yán yuàn).'
ä¹尔Ý×罗ÙµÐê业ÏØ(Alfrom & Affiliates) ßæÚª产业Ý»门ù¡ø« 'Bioini' îÜñéÙþëå译Ù£称ïÒ为 'ù±药研'¡£
'ù±药' ëò为 'ù±é©îÜ药Úª'£¬ì» '研' ëò为 '研ϼ'¡£ ì×󮣬'ù±药研' ëò为 '研ϼù±é©îÜ药Úª'¡£
ó®è⣬Bioini Ðýù»研ϼê 'Bioinilab' îÜñéÙþøú记为 'ù±药æÚêÂ'¡£