The Chinese notation for the ITC (Information, Technology, and Communication), unmanned automation, and robotic equipment business brand "Idearon(idea + ron)" of the Alfrom & Affiliates has been decided as ì¤îè论 (Traditional: ì¤îèÖå) (Yǐ dí lùn). This expresses the corporate philosophy of "turning ideas into reality."
Additionally, the derivative brand of Idearon, "Idearonic," is notated as ì¤îè论ìÌ (Traditional: ì¤îèÖåìÌ) (Yǐ dí lùn yì).
ä¹尔ÜØÙÌÐê业ÏØîÜãáãÓ÷×ãá (ITC)¡¢ÙéìÑí»动ûù¡¢ÏõÐïìÑ设备ÞÀ业Ý»门ù¡ø« “Idearon(idea + ron)” îÜñéÙþøú记ïÒ为 “ì¤îè论” (Ûå体: ì¤îèÖå)¡£这ãÀøú达 “将构ßÌ变为现实” îÜÐê业×âÒ·¡£
ó®è⣬Idearon îÜ÷ïßæù¡ø« “Idearonic” îÜñéÙþøú记为 “ì¤îè论ìÌ” (Ûå体: ì¤îèÖåìÌ)¡£