2025 03 10
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ѻ츲 츮 ѽҸ Һ ķ ...
1000¥ ΰͿ, ǰ ...
87024 ˻Ǿϴ.

̵ Idearon ߹ ǥ 论

̵δ Idearonic ߹ ǥ 论
(ITC), ڵȭ, κ ι 귣 '̵(Idearon, idea + ron)' ߹ ǥⰡ 论(ü: )( , Yǐ dí lùn) Ǿ. ̴ '̵ ȭ ǹȭ' ̳ ǥ ̴. , ̵(Idearon) Ļ 귣 '̵δ(Idearonic)' '论(ü: )( , Yǐ dí lùn yì)' ǥȴ. 尔业 (ITC) ...

Chinese Naming: Idearon 论 , Idearonic ෹...

Turning Ideas into Reality
The Chinese notation for the ITC (Information, Technology, and Communication), unmanned automation, and robotic equipment business brand "Idearon(idea + ron)" of the Alfrom & Affiliates has been decided as 论 (Traditional: ) (Yǐ dí lùn). This expresses the corporate philosophy of "turning ideas into reality." Additionally, the derivative brand of Idearon, "Idearonic," is notated as 论 (Traditional: ) (Y. ...

LGȭ, HL ǰ

ADAS ǰ 濭 ʷ ġ
LGȭ HL ڵ ǰ ¿ . LGȭ 21 ڵ Ȯ ȯ, HL ‘ ڵ ǰ ’ üߴ. HL HL׷ ۷ι SDV ַǰ ٽ ǰ ϰ , HL׷ ڵ ǰ ȭ ϰ ִ. SDV Ʈ ϵ ϰ ϴ ڵ Ѵ. LGȭ ī޶, ̴ ADAS ǰ 濭 ...
5G MEC ۷ι (2022-04-02)
ö ڻ , 10 ûҳ ϴ (2022-04-02)
ۡ顤 ȭ ¶ (2021-09-26)
SKڷ, 5G ݻο SE (2022-03-24)
߼ Tx ǻ 386 ְ (2018-09-30)
ûҳ ǰ ȸ 'ʷŰƮ (2023-03-17)
H&M, ž ũ ÷ (2020-09-15)
, й Ȯ ġ (2018-09-03)
, ʱ뿪 ڵ ǥ (2023-03-08)
â (2014-08-18)
Z, ߾ ƹŸ (2022-09-01)
˶, ӱ (2014-01-06)
ϸ, 1 ߰ ǰ (2019-02-02)
DSM, Ƿ 극 Amitel VT Ī (2021-02-14)
NH, ü ǽ (2023-02-27)
5060 ߳, ¶ ū (2021-08-12)
۰ ư, ̱ ٹ 'The Creator' ߸ (2020-07-23)
Ͼ, Ƽ ٲ۴ (2021-01-27)
ޱ⡤ū¡Ź̻ ǰ (2018-12-28)
Ͽ콺 â... , а, (2020-01-08)
ó̳뺣̼, ̻ Ű ذ (2018-12-19)
ڵ, Ʈ ׷λ翡 ̿ HEV (2019-06-25)
帶ö ӹ, Ȱ ִ ɼ α (2019-06-25)
̿Ž ñ (2019-06-16)

ȸҰ | ä | ̿ | ޹ħ | ûҳ⺸ȣå | åѰ | ̸ּҹܼź |

̸ news@newsji.com, ȭ 050 2222 0002, ѽ 050 2222 0111, ּ : α 27 60 1-37ȣ

ͳݴ񽺻 : 00447, : 2013.12.23., 迭 ûҳ⺸ȣ å : ǥ CEO

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