2025 03 11 ȭ
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ѻ츲 츮 ѽҸ Һ ķ ...
1000¥ ΰͿ, ǰ ...
87024 ˻Ǿϴ.

̵ƿ Mediaour ߹ ǥ 体们

츮 ̵
׷(N.E.W.S.Group) 迭 ȭ, ȹ 귣 '̵ƿ(Mediaour, media+our)' ߱ ǥⰡ '体们' (ü: ) ( Ƽ , Méi tǐ wǒ men) Ǿ. ̴ '츮 ̵' ̸, ߰ ߽ϴ ̳ ִ. NEWS团娱乐领划业 “Mediaour(media+our)” 记为 “体们” (体 ...

Chinese Naming: Mediaour 体们
The Chinese notation for the cultural and entertainment planning business brand 'Mediaour(media+our)' under the N.E.W.S.Group has been decided as '体们 (Traditional: ) (Méi tǐ wǒ men). This expresses the meaning of 'our media' and embodies the corporate philosophy of valuing communication with the public. NEWS团娱乐领划业 “Mediaour(media+our)” 记为 “ ...

̵ Idearon ߹ ǥ 论

̵δ Idearonic ߹ ǥ 论
(ITC), ڵȭ, κ ι 귣 '̵(Idearon, idea + ron)' ߹ ǥⰡ 论(ü: )( , Yǐ dí lùn) Ǿ. ̴ '̵ ȭ ǹȭ' ̳ ǥ ̴. , ̵(Idearon) Ļ 귣 '̵δ(Idearonic)' '论(ü: )( , Yǐ dí lùn yì)' ǥȴ. 尔业 (ITC) ...
ä ȭ, (2015-12-25)
First-of-Its-Kind gPathways to Dairy Net Zeroh Initiative ... (2021-07-26)
ѱ д, ܱ ڿ λ (2015-10-27)
3.0, 渶 ' ¾ (2015-01-22)
ѱüθ, 2 ü (2023-03-11)
÷Ʈ , ̾ ְ߸Ʈ (2023-03-11)
Z, ãư IT ڹ  (2016-09-06)
÷ ۿ ߰ (2017-05-12)
ī, Ʈ Ұ ÷ (2023-08-22)
Celebrating a Milestone by Giving Back Trees to the Planet (2023-01-11)
̽, Żƾ ռ Ϸ (2017-05-16)
'ûô2' , ε嵵 ŷ¸ (2017-10-06)
Hilton Worldwide Debuts its DoubleTree by Hilton Brand in Co... (2015-12-15)
, ӽο ž C-47۱ (2016-04-15)
ڵ Ż Ű ÷ Car+ (2015-10-04)
Ű Ű 濪 ġ (2017-06-01)
ҼѰ Ծ (2017-10-01)
34б 17~18% (2017-08-03)
VINSSEN to Attend Nor-Shipping 2023 in Oslo, Norway (2023-06-07)
SOPA 2023 Journalism Awards Open for Entries; Deadline Feb 1... (2022-12-08)
, Ƴ ȥ ϴ ȸ (2024-03-15)
ѽ, 弭 ԰ ѽġ ˷ȴ (2023-12-26)
ExaGrid Wins Enterprise Backup Hardware Vendor of the Year... (2024-06-24)
ķΰ ƿ Ȱ ! (2014-07-14)
, ̵ 4 ȭ (2016-11-27)

ȸҰ | ä | ̿ | ޹ħ | ûҳ⺸ȣå | åѰ | ̸ּҹܼź |

̸ news@newsji.com, ȭ 050 2222 0002, ѽ 050 2222 0111, ּ : α 27 60 1-37ȣ

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